A Nomos Approach to Social Change: Where Human Action meets Cultural Theory


  • Anthony J. Evans ESCP Europe Business School




social change, epistemic choice, rule-based theory, symbolic meanings, heterogeneous agents


This article outlines an approach to social change that bridges epistemic choice with cultural institutions. It integrates recent incorporations of cognition and belief systems into economics, (North, 2005), with “Cultural Theory” to present specific ideal type strategies of action. The conflict between these cultural biases and actual events provides a mechanism for social change (“surprise”), and this is discussed in contrast to Bayesian updating. Recent empirical papers are discussed in light of the above (particularly in the fields of economic development, theories of the firm, and capital theory).


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Sep. 8, 2011




How to Cite

Evans, A. J. (2011). A Nomos Approach to Social Change: Where Human Action meets Cultural Theory. New Perspectives on Political Economy, 6(2), 51-77. https://doi.org/10.62374/3d7g1z98

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