Vol. 14 No. 1-2 (2018)

					View Vol. 14 No. 1-2 (2018)

Editor-in-chief: Josef Šíma, President, CEVRO Institute, Prague
Managing Editor: Pavol Minárik, CEVRO Institute
Language Editor:
Allan Juranek

Editorial Board: Terry Anderson, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Peter Boettke, George Mason University; Hardy Bouillon, Trier University; Enrico Colombatto, University of Turin; Christie Davies, University of Reading; Frank van Dun, Ghent University, Faculty of Law; Richard Ebeling, Northwood University; Richard Epstein, New York University School of Law; Robert Higgs, The Independet Review;  Jesus Huerta de Soto, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Jorg Guido Hulsmann, Université Anger; Svetozar Pejovich, Texas A&M University; Gerald Steele, Lancaster University; Zdeněk Kühn, Charles University; Miroslav Novák, CEVRO Institute; Michal Kořán, Institute of International Relations; Alena Zemplinerová, Institute of Economics, Academy of Science; Roman Cardal, CEVRO Institute; Jakub Kříž, CEVRO Institute, Prague; Ladislav Mrklas, CEVRO Institute; Jan Jireš, CEVRO Institute; Pavel Pejša, CEVRO Institute.

Published: Dec. 30, 2018