Infiltration of Austrian Economists Ideas into Teaching at Czech Universities before the Year 1989


  • Jitka Koderová Department of Monetary Theory and Policy, University of Economics Prague



Teaching history, totalitarian period, students, universities, economic thinking


The ideas of the founding fathers of the Austrian school and of their initial followers had influenced the development of the Czech economic thought very strongly before 1948. After this year the tradition was forcibly interrupted, but it had not been dismantled completely. Students of some Czech Universities could obtain information on the existence of Austrian school in courses of “history of economic theories”, even in totalitarian state. At the beginning of the period of 1948 – 1989 the predominant form was the critique of Austrian doctrine. In 1970’s the situation began to change and the positive form of interpretation was predominating. The objective of this paper consists of a quest for answers to two questions. Firstly, how these courses of “history of economic thought” look, and how did they develop in time? Secondly, what parts of these courses were dedicated to the ideas of Austrian school?


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Sep. 8, 2006




How to Cite

Koderová, J. (2006). Infiltration of Austrian Economists Ideas into Teaching at Czech Universities before the Year 1989. New Perspectives on Political Economy, 2(1), 60-74.