Students from third countries: Analysis of visa requirements of Nigerian students in the Czech Republic
Migration, free movement, politics, visa, university education, studiesAbstract
Studying abroad provides students from all over the world with an exceptional opportunity to gain academic and professional experience in a different cultural environment. This article examines immigration policies and the visa application process in the context of Nigerian students studying in the Czech Republic. It examines key stages such as the pre-arrival phase, the visa process, and entry into Czech universities to gain insight into these students' motivations and barriers. It also examines the historical development of Czech immigration policy from the early 1990s to the present, highlighting legislative changes and the shift from a liberal approach to a gradual increase in control, including for third-country students and scholars as knowledge workers. The analysis also considers the difficulties of overcoming language barriers and adjusting to a new cultural environment. The study delves into the growing trend of foreign students' interest in Czech universities and emphasizes the critical factors influencing success in the migration process, such as economic factors, administrative requirements, and personal development. It concludes by questioning whether Czech migration policy is strategically prepared for the growing trend of foreign student arrivals, given the lack of key analyses of knowledge migration's impact on the Czech economy.
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