The Inverted Yield Curve and the Economic Downturn
Austrian Economics, Capital and Investment, Business Cycles, Yield CurvesAbstract
This paper presents an answer to why the yield curve tends to invert one year before a recession. The capital-based macroeconomic model used in this paper traces out the effects of an injection of short-term working capital into the model. There are two consequences of this injection: the Wicksell effect and the Fisher effect. The Wicksell effect entails the downward pressure on interest rates, while the Fisher effect entails the upward pressure on interest rates. The short-term credit can create both short- and long-term malinvestments in the social structure of production. These malinvestments are unsustainable and must be liquidated. The process of liquidation phase may take the form of a credit crunch, a real resource crunch, or a combination of the two. Each scenario culminates in an inverted yield curve approximately one year before the upper-turning point of a recession.
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